
Engineering & Environmental Health and Safety

Summary of Unit

This unit is broken down into 2 sections.

  1. This consists of looking at key legislations and regulations regarding health and safety and the responsibilities of certain individuals.

  2. An overview of how engineering affects the environment both positively and negatively. And the legislation that comes with this topic.

How to pass

This Unit is assessed via a multiple choice exam at the end of the unit. It is marked either a pass, merit or distinction.

Lesson 1

Alternative energy

The purpose of this lesson is to make ourselves familiar with “alternative energies” Linked you will find a worksheet for this lesson with the task. And featured on this page will be the “sway” to the lesson.

Alternative Energy by Dan Graham

Lesson 2

The climate change levy. And types of pollution

In this unit, you will be expected to have an understanding of the Climate Change Levy.

What it is, why it exists and what business it applies to.

Also this lesson we will have a look at the types of pollution that exist. And how they are created.

There is a printable worksheet to work on from this lesson. Which includes links to resources you may find useful

Lesson 3

Environmental management systems (EMS) and Environmental Legislation

ISO 14000 by Dan Graham
ISO 14001 Activity by Dan Graham

The purpose of this lesson is to understand what “EMS” means and how businesses implement them into their practices. To be able to apply them we must have a scope of what legislations exist regarding the environment.

Lesson 4:

The classification of waste for disposal.

The main objective for this lesson is to understand how we go about classifying waste and then applying the process to chemicals in our workshops.

Classifying Waste by Dan Graham

Lesson 5:

The storage of engineering materials.

The outcome of this lesson is to understand the ways we are required to store materials and the equipment we use to assist with this

To the right you will find the resources used in the lesson.

The main objective will be to have notes and understand what materials we work with and the storage of them. The stretch and challenge activity will be to download the activity sheet and complete it.

Lesson 6:

LOLER (Lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations)

The main objective is to be able to understand the basics of LOLER and apply the regulation to lifting operations.

To the right you will find the delivery presentation and below you will find questions and a stretch and challenge activity.

LOLER Questions by Dan Graham
LOLER TASK by Dan Graham

Lesson 7/8:

PUWER (Provisional use of work equipment regulations)

The main objective of this lesson is to understand the key parts of the regulations and how it applies to your workplace. Click the button to head to the presentation of this topic.

Lesson 7/8:

COSHH (Control of substances hazardous to health)

The main objective of this lesson is to understand the key parts of the regulations and how it applies to your workplace. Also an understanding of your duties employers and employees.

Lesson 9:

Risk Assessments.

The outcomes of this session is to understand the key concepts of risk assessments and give examples of how they are conducted.

A further outcome will be to carryout your own risk assessments in a variety of scenarios.

This button below will take you to the lesson about risk assessments.

Hierarchy of Control by Dan Graham

Lesson 10:

RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries diseases and dangerous occurrences)

The objectives of this lesson is to understand the fundamentals of RIDDOR, what injuries need reporting, and how to report.

The link below will take you to the lesson.

Lesson 11:

PPE (Personal protective equipment)

The main outcomes of this session is to be aware of the different types of PPE we use in engineering environments and why they are important. Below is the material used for delivery

Lesson 12:

Manual Handling

The objectives of this lesson is to understand the key concepts of Manual Handling and how to carry out safe lifting operations with proper technique.

A further objective will be to know how to plan a lift.

Lesson 13:

Fire Safety.

The objectives of this lesson is to understand standard fire safety, know the correct procedures. And to be able to identify the types of fires, and what fire extinguishers we need to use.

Fire Safety by Dan Graham

Lesson 14:

“Six pack” regulations. And the Key people and organisations involved in workplace health and safety.

The objectives of this lesson is to be able to describe the six regulations that make up the six pack and how each one relates to to you workplace. And also be bale to explain who the key people are that are involved in workplace safety. Below are the two resources used.

Mock Exams:

Below you will find a collection of mock exams made to replicate what you will find in your exam.

This mock exam is smaller then the next and will test a wide scope of your knowledge on this subject.

This mock exam will test you on your level 2 and main H&S legislation knowledge. All of which is fundamental to this upcoming exam

This is the largest mock exam you will find. It incorporates all the subjects we have covered throughout the semester