
Workplace health and safety is a shared responsibility that involves multiple people within an organisation. Each person, from the top management to individual employees, plays a crucial role in maintaining a safe and healthy work environment. Understanding the specific roles and responsibilities of different individuals is essential to ensuring that safety measures are effectively implemented and followed. In this discussion, we will explore the roles and responsibilities of three key figures in workplace health and safety: the employer or manager, the health and safety officer, and the employees.

Breaking Down the Question:

Question: Describe the roles and responsibilities of three different people involved in workplace health and safety.

What Does This Question Mean?

  1. "Describe" means you need to explain the duties and tasks of each person clearly.

  2. "Roles and Responsibilities" refers to what each person is expected to do regarding health and safety at work.

  3. "Three Different People" means you need to choose three distinct roles in the workplace, such as a manager, a health and safety officer, and an employee.

So, the question is asking you to explain what three specific people in a workplace are responsible for when it comes to health and safety.

On the assignment template you will find an outline of who you can talk about regarding this question. Your task is to think about the roles and responsibilities each individual has regarding health and safety.

Here are some examples to expand on and relate to certain individuals.