
When accidents or incidents happen at work, it's important to report and record them properly. This isn't just about following rules—it's about making sure everyone stays safe, being fair and honest, and helping to prevent future problems. .

Answering the first question.

Breaking Down the Question:

Question: Explain the principles that underpin reporting and recording accidents and incidents.

What Does This Question Mean?

  1. "Explain" means you need to describe or make clear the reasons behind something.

  2. "Principles" are the basic ideas or rules that guide how something should be done.

  3. "Reporting and Recording" refers to the process of telling someone about an accident and writing it down.

  4. "Accidents and Incidents" are unexpected events that could cause harm or actually do cause harm.

So, the question is asking you to describe the main reasons or ideas behind why we need to tell someone and write down when an accident or incident happens.

Below is a collection of reasons why we report and record incidents and accidents, its your job to expand on a couple of these points