Control measures

Preventing accidents in the workplace is a top priority for any company. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by using control measures. These are specific actions and strategies designed to identify, reduce, or eliminate risks that could lead to accidents. By understanding how control measures work, we can create a safer environment and protect everyone from potential harm.

How to go about answering this question.

When you read this question it should ring alarm bells… Doesn’t this sound similar to a question on assignment 3? “Describe how hazards which become risks can be controlled”

We’re answering “Explain how control measures are used to prevent accidents”

Breaking Down the Question:

Question: Explain how control measures are used to prevent accidents.

What Does This Question Mean?

  1. "Explain" means you need to describe clearly how something works or why it’s important.

  2. "Control Measures" refer to the actions, tools, or procedures put in place to reduce or eliminate risks in the workplace.

  3. "Used to Prevent Accidents" means how these control measures help stop accidents from happening.

So, the question is asking you to describe how specific actions or tools are used to stop accidents from occurring in the workplace.

What Should You Include in Your Answer?

Below are some points that you can expand on to answer this question