What incidents are reportable and how do we report them?

Breaking Down the Question:

Question: Describe the procedures used to record and report accidents, dangerous occurrences, or near misses.

What Does This Question Mean?

  1. "Describe" means you need to explain or give details about something.

  2. "Procedures" are the specific steps or methods that are followed.

  3. "Record and Report" means writing down and officially telling someone about the event.

  4. "Accidents" are events where someone gets hurt or something gets damaged.

  5. "Dangerous Occurrences" are serious events that could have caused harm but might not have.

  6. "Near Misses" are events where an accident almost happened but didn’t.

So, the question is asking you to explain the specific steps or methods that should be followed when an accident, a dangerous event, or a near miss occurs.

On your right you will find a simple report form. Have a look at the content asked for and reflect on why you think it is important for us to include these bits of information when reporting.